Review by Heat Waves Mag about the New OCP EP

Online Counter Psyops – Hello, Hello Are You Still There?

By Margot Moore

In a sonic tapestry that seamlessly weaves through the intricacies of hip-hop, Online Counter Psyops delivers an audial masterpiece with their latest album, ‘Hello, Hello Are You Still There?‘ The opening notes “The First Day of Spring” invite listeners into a world where rhythmic intricacy meets lyrical prowess, setting the stage for a captivating musical journey.

The album boasts diverse beats, showcasing the group’s adept production skills. Each track unfolds like a carefully crafted narrative, with the beats serving as a dynamic backdrop to the raw, unapologetic lyricism. Online Counter Psyops effortlessly navigates through the nuances of hip-hop, blending traditional elements with a contemporary edge.

Hello, Hello Are You Still There?‘ is a testament to the group’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of the genre. The synergy between the beats and the lyrical content creates an immersive experience for hip-hop enthusiasts. From the rhythmic pulse of the percussion to the clever wordplay, the album demands attention and rewards with layers of musical complexity.

With its rich sonic tapestry and thought-provoking lyrics, this album stands as a commendable addition to the genre’s evolving landscape. Check it out and follow Online Counter Psyops on social media to be updated with the new releases. E. Grizzly – Marko Level.

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